Van Dawt Uk (LCH 290)
Van Dawt Uk (LCH 290)
Favorite Color: All colors
Birthday: May 4
Meet Van Dawt, aka the LCH famous kid. If you’ve been to LCH or have connections with us somehow, you have probably seen or heard about Van Dawt. Born on May 4th, 2008. From Hakha, Chin State. He arrived at LCH in 2011. We do not have many records about his relatives or parents. He and his step brother mostly grew up with their grandma. And while our dad, Peter Thang visited Chin State back in 2011, his grandma asked Peter to take Van Dawt and his brother with him to Yangon because of her physical inability and financial difficulties to take care of them all by herself. So they came to Yangon with our dad, Peter, with only the clothes that they were wearing. Right now he is in 6th grade. He is a fun, energetic, and carefree boy. He is loved by everyone at LCH and even by everyone who knows him in person. But at the same time, we need a lot of prayers for him as he is very young and still exploring and finding out his true calling from God.