Khin Maung Hla (LCH 370)
Khin Maung Hla (LCH 370)
Favorite Color: White
Birthday: February 8
Khin Maung Hla, 17 years old boy was born on 8 February, 2004. Khin Maung Hla's parents got divorced and both of them are remarried. So Khin Maung Hla and his younger brother (Khin Maung Yee) had to live with their grandparents. But due to civil war and financial problems, their grandparents sent their siblings to LCH in hope to have a better life and better future. Right now, Khin Maung Hla is studying in grade 9 and is an obedient student. He is smart and doing great in his class. Khin Maung Hla always helps around campus. He is also good at computer typing. As for now he wants to be a doctor. We hope he can become a compassionate doctor one day and we are always here to support him anyway we can.