James Van Thawng Tha Bik (LCH 225)
James Van Thawng Tha Bik (LCH 225)
from $35.00
Favorite Color: Black
Birthday: May 22
James Van Thawng Tha Bik, a 14 years old boy was born In Love Children's Home. He has two sisters, Anna Bawi Tha Par (the older) and Pretty Bawi Chin (the younger). He is the second son of Samuel and Mary who work at Disciple Bible College. He is in grade 8 and doing great in his class. James is good at Art and he loves playing soccer. He is an obedient student and helps around campus in his free time. He wants to be a businessman when he grows up. We hope he can become one day and we're always ready to support him as much as we can.
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