Cing Chin Awm (LCH 357)
Cing Chin Awm (LCH 357)
from $35.00
Favorite Color: Blue
Birthday: June 13
Cing Chin Awn, a 17 years old girl was born on 4 February, 2005 in Chin State. Cing Chin Awn's father died with a disease called "B" virus and her mother got infected too. Because of this illness and financial problems her mother sent Cing Chin Awn and her elder sister (Cing Suan Dim) to LCH in hope to have a better future. She arrived at the orphanage in 2014. Now she is studying in grade 8 and is an obedient student. She loves drawing and is good at computer typing. Cing Chin Awn helps in LoomHouse in her free time. As for now she wants to be a teacher and we hope she can become one day. We are always here to support her dream in any way we can.
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