A Reminder to Love

Meet The Children

Get to know the stories behind these precious faces.


Lal Thang Chuah (LCH- 454)

Lal Thang Chuah (LCH- 454)


Favorite color- Red

Birthday- 25 December

Meet one of our newest additions to the family, Lal Thang Chuah. An eight year old boy, from Falam, Chin State. Born on December, 25, 2012. We have no record of his real father. Lal Thang Chuah grew up with an abusive step father, most of the time, he got beaten up by his step father when he’s drunk. Before he got to the orphanage, his step father made a 6 or 7 year old Lal Thang Chuah cook for his entire family. Sometimes, his step father left him with no food for all day. After years, his mother couldn’t bare or see his son suffering so much from his step father, so she sent him to the orphanage for the hope to have a safe environment to grow up to and have good education and better future. He got here in 2020. Now he is in 2nd grade, learning new stuff with new opportunities and new promises for his future. Please continue to pray for him for his complete mental healing so that he could thrive more in the future.

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