A Reminder to Love

Meet The Children

Get to know the stories behind these precious faces.


Bauk Kon (LCH- 433)

Bauk Kon (LCH- 433)


Favorite color- Green

Birthday - 21 September

Meet Bouk Kon, a 13 years old girl from Kachin state. Bouk Kon father passed during the conflicts in Kachin a few years back. During that time, they had to run away from their village and stayed in the forest with her old grandmother. After living there for a few months, her grandmother decided to send Bouk Kon to the orphanage because of her inability to take care of her grandchild in the forest at the IDP camp, and also hoping for a better future for her kid. She arrived to the orphanage in 2019. Now Bouk Kon is in 5th grade. When she first got here, she couldn’t speak or understand any burmese. But years passed, because of the homeschool programs offered at LCH, she is now one of the fastest computer typers among the kids, and really doing well at school. She likes to play soccer, and loves to help with gardening. She wants to become an Engineer one day. We are here to support her dreams in anyway we can.

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